Wednesday, 20 April 2016

WAEC 2016 May/June 100% Correct Agricultural Pratical Paper, Question And Answers

(1a) Experiment to compare the porosity and water holding capacity

(1b) Grind loam and clay soil into fine particles, after drying in the sun. Equal masses of the dry, dry clay and dry loam are place seperately into three funnels which are blocked at the neck with cotton wool. The three funnels containing different types of soil are then placed on top of the three measuring cylinders. Then quickly pour equal amount of water into the funnels, containing each soil type. Then leave for an hour

(1c) (i)Loamy (ii)Sandy (iii)Clay

(1d) (i) I will ensure the three funnels containing different types of soil are placed on top of the three measuring cylinders (ii) I will ensure equal amount of water is quickly poured into the funnels containing the soil type (1e) -Sandy soil: Because the porosity is high in sandy soil because of large pores spaces and larger particles sizes ===================================

(2a) Ranging pole is a surveying instrument consisting of a straight rod pointed in bands of alternate red and white each one foot wide,used for sighting by surveyors

(2b) A-For making positions in surveying -For sighting by surveyor B-For marking posititon on surveying land C-For measuring the lenght of land -For detecting area of land (2c) A-By cleaning after use -By keeping in cool dry place B-By keeping away from water -By not exposing it to direct sunlight for so long C-By cleaning after use -By keeping in a cool dry place ======================================= (3ai) G-Herbivore H-Herbivore (3aii) G-Leaves(Defilators) H-Fruits

(3aiii) H-It helps in pollination -They help in dispersal of fruit -They help in the dispersal of seeds

(3aiv) I-It can be controlled using scar scrow J-It can be controlled using traps.It can also be controlled using biological method eg use of cat ===================================== (4a) N: -Animal feed industry -ceramic Industry -pharmaceutical industry O: -paint industries -pharmaceutical industries -cosmetic industries

(4b) -it causes loss of weight -it causes loss of appetite -it causes anaemia -it damages some internal organs -it prevent respiration

(4c) -by dipping the animal -by drenching -by clearing bushes around -by giving the animal injection

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